Can You Use a 4-Inch Filter Instead of 5? - A Guide to Choosing the Right Air Filter

Are you looking to improve the air quality in your home? Learn how different sizes and MERV ratings affect your HVAC system's performance and how to choose an air filter for your home.

Can You Use a 4-Inch Filter Instead of 5? - A Guide to Choosing the Right Air Filter

Are you looking to improve the air quality in your home? You may be wondering if you can use a 4-inch filter instead of a 5-inch filter. The answer is yes, reducing the thickness by one inch shouldn't be a big problem. However, it is important to focus on the MERV classification of the filter, as this will determine its effectiveness in filtering contaminants and allergens. Thicker filters prevent unfiltered air from entering, so you breathe healthier air.

A four- to five-inch filter usually works best when you want superior filtration. However, there are situations where a thin air filter is preferred. 4- to 5-inch air filters are usually better at providing a perfect fit that prevents dirty air from passing through. Meanwhile, the use of a MERV 13 5-inch air filter increases the surface area, which results in high dust-holding capacity.

Choosing the right size of air filter for your HVAC system is essential because it allows your HVAC system to work effectively. A higher rating is obtained when a filter is four or five inches thick, because these filters trap extremely small contaminating particles. Ideally, only a small amount should be imported, as long as the existing filter is sealed against outflow, as indicated by the arrow. On the other hand, 4, 5, or 6-inch air filters are found in whole-house filters installed on an air controller.

It is important to ensure that the filter rating allows for adequate air flow and filter level, as increasing filter density can affect the efficiency of the unit. When it comes to improving your home's air quality, selecting the right size and type of air filter is essential. To make sure you get the best results, it's important to understand how different sizes and MERV ratings affect your HVAC system's performance. This guide will help you make an informed decision when choosing an air filter for your home.

Caitlin Leich
Caitlin Leich

Subtly charming zombie ninja. Certified internet junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon enthusiast. Avid pop cultureaholic. Freelance coffee geek.