The Advantages of a Larger Furnace Filter

Using a larger furnace filter can help improve indoor air quality and reduce HVAC costs. Learn why using the right furnace filter size is essential for protecting your home comfort.

The Advantages of a Larger Furnace Filter

When it comes to air filters, bigger is often better. A four-inch-thick air filter has an edge over the one-inch one in terms of durability, airflow, and maximum filtering capability. If it fits your oven, a four-inch air filter will provide superior air quality and the difference in costs is usually minimal. This implies that the oven can store larger, stronger oven filters to enhance indoor air quality and energy efficiency.

With a larger furnace filter, hazardous particles will be blocked from entering the air. Heating and air conditioning technicians can accurately evaluate home objectives, indoor air quality, and lifestyle to determine the ideal size of furnace filters. However, if your oven's air filter compartment is only three inches deep, then the one-inch filter is the best choice for easy replacement. To find out what size oven filter you need, simply remove the existing oven filter and check the label.

Why Utilize the Right Furnace Filter Size? Using the right furnace filter size is essential for safeguarding your home comfort, indoor air quality, and reducing HVAC costs. The initial cost of a high-efficiency furnace filter may seem high, but in the end, you'll save a lot of money on energy costs and improve your home's indoor air quality. If your oven's air filter compartment is only 3mm thick, then the 1-inch oven filter is the better option compared to the 4-inch filter; however, a 3-inch thick air filter is the better option. The thickness of the air filter ranges from 1 to 5 inches deep; some options are more common than others and your oven can determine the thickness you can use.

Fortunately, air filters are relatively affordable and offer benefits that outweigh the initial costs. So, if it fits your oven, then a 4-inch air filter is preferable to a 1-inch air filter to improve air quality.

Caitlin Leich
Caitlin Leich

Subtly charming zombie ninja. Certified internet junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon enthusiast. Avid pop cultureaholic. Freelance coffee geek.